What & What Not To Expect From A Dianabol Cycle
An important question that people who are trying out a new workout regimen, or drug cycle usually ask is what are the results? What do they hope to gain? After the cycle or drug use, how much weight are they expected to lose or gain?
These sort of questions are especially important when you are trying out a cycle that you’ve never tried before. There is some measure of uncertainty and you need to be sure of the kind of results that you would get from your work. Having an idea of the results to expect after the end of each cycle or regimen tells you whether a particular cycle is good for you and whether it aligns with your goals. In addition, knowing about the results to expect from the use of a drug or after a cycle allows you to effectively measure the effects of the drug on your body.
If you are looking to begin your first ever Dianabol cycle, these are the sort of questions that you will have. Although it is unlikely that you will ever get a uniform when asked about the results of a Dianabol cycle, you can still get a rough idea of the sort of gains you can expect during and after your Dianabol cycle. This rough sketch is an aggregate of the most common Dianabol results. However, it is important to understand that the drug has different effects on people so you should be very alarmed if the results described in this article do not happen to you during or after your Dianabol cycle.
To begin, we will make the assumption that you are new to Dianabol and you have never taken the drug or gone on a cycle (because if you have, you would know much more about the results).
First thing first, Dianabol is not a shortcut. Many people labor under the delusion that steroids are wonder drugs that just grant muscle mass like a genie out of a pill bottle. This is very far from the truth. To have the best results from your Dianabol cycle, you have to combine the drugs with intense workouts and a healthy diet. If you do nothing but eat all day, sleep all night and expect Dianabol to automatically grant you lean muscles, you will be in for a shock.
In fact, before you begin a cycle you must have the fundamentals of workouts and diets in place. Before having a plan to go on a Dianabol cycle, it is best to have cultivated the habit of exercising rigorously and eating healthily. This way, you can be assured of favorable results once you begin your cycle.
Gains; Weight, Fat, And Muscle
As it has been said earlier, results of Dianabol vary from person to person. This is due to different tolerance levels, dosage and even something as primary as genetics. Typically, you can expect to gain anything from 7lbs to 14lbs. People who gain this are the ones who use an average dose of 30-35mg per day and go on a 4-week cycle. It is not uncommon for there to be greater gains that this, but this often comes with great doses and longer cycles. Additionally, weight gains higher than 14lbs are mostly water weight and not the lean muscle mass that you want to gain. However, there are exceptions to every rule and there are some people who gain a lot and still manage to gain a lot of lean muscle mass.
The weight gained during a Dianabol cycle has a very temporary nature. This is because most of the weight is because of the water retention properties of Dianabol. What this means is that after a cycle, the weight gained might be lost easily. To avoid this, it is advisable to use Dianabol with other steroids that have a longer lasting impact. In fact, seasoned bodybuilders do not use Dianabol alone. They use it with other steroids that it enjoys a synergy with so that the weight gained would not be lost easily.
Asides from the great physiological boost gotten from this rapid increase in body mass, the water retaining properties of Dianabol ensures that joint soreness and irritation often experienced during a workout is significantly decreased. A rapid and often dramatic increase in strength also ensures that fatigue levels are reduced and you are able to work out harder and for longer, contributing to your body getting lean muscles.
Side Effects
Side effects are also part of the results of Dianabol, and like most steroids, there are a lot of them. These side effects are directly related to the water retention capabilities of Dianabol. These can include shin, calf and back pumps, which to be fair may not sound very discomforting, but they can, in fact, be quite disturbing for some people for and can negatively impact training sessions and daily activities. There are also very real health risks, including increased blood pressure, increased risk of cardiovascular problems, liver damage, gynecomastia, and hormonal imbalances.
What To Do After A Cycle
The things to do after a Dianabol cycle depends on a lot of factors. Whether or not you used Dianabol as a stand-alone drug during your cycle, your body constitutions, your goals for the cycle and many other factors determine your next step. However, a compulsory step that everyone must take after using Dianabol on a cycle is rest. This is very important because Dianabol is a very potent drug and it would be unwise and unsafe to continue to use it indefinitely without taking breaks. Ideally, you are supposed to rest for the same amount of time as you took the drug for.
Now, rest in this sense doesn’t mean that you should lay at home all day, it simply means that you should take a break from the drug. With this, you can avoid some of the more harmful side effects of Dianabol. Remember, using the drug for long periods of time is extremely harmful to your health and can cause significant damage to your liver.
Regarding the weight gained, it is very common to retain at least half of the weight put on. However, your ability to retain most of the weight depends on an effective and intense training program, appropriate diet and a proper post cycle therapy to ensure that your body begins to produce testosterone by itself naturally as soon as possible.
(Post cycle therapy simply means taking drugs that allow your body to begin to produce normal levels of testosterone).
As said earlier, it is near impossible for anyone to accurately predict the results of Dianabol on an individual. This is because people respond differently to the drug and results would obviously different from person to person. However, this is a rough sketch of what happens in most cases and can give you a rough idea of what to expect during a Dianabol cycle.
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